July 23, 2012

A year and a few days later

After forgetting that I had this blog or lack of one, I finally decided to dedicate it to my upcoming nursing school life. Yup this Asian is going to nursing school. An Asian going into a medical field is not very surprising. But when you happen to be that Asian that got into that medical field you really do get as giddy as a school girl. As for now, I'm enjoying my summer since I will have no life for 16 months. Why 16 months you ask? Well, the program I got into is exactly 16 months. Seems short right? The university fixed that by making sure you have no vacation whatsoever. YAY!!! *sarcasm*
At least by the end of 16 months in hell I will get a B.A in Nursing. For now I will leave you with pictures of my summer so far. Who doesn't love that?